- Marina at Cades Bay Nevis
- Breakwater at Marriott St. Kitts
- Breakwater at Pelican Bay St. Kitts
- Dredging Marina Christophe Harbour St. Kitts Project Management Engineer St. Kitts Marine Works
- Land Reclamation St. Kitts Marine Works Christophe Harbour St. Kitts (37acres)
- Engineering and Project Management Berthing Dolphin St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority Project Management
- Commercial Dock Bulkhead Repair Design and Project Management CONTEC DT (Engineer of Record)
- Independent Engineer St. Kitts Nevis and Anguilla National Bank (SKNANB) 2nd cruise pier St. Kitts
- Sea Wall Design (Structural Engineer of Record) Pelican Bay St. Kitts
- Independent Consultant St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority Revetment Structure Port Zante